Our excitement here at the Thinkery continues to grow as we get closer to opening our doors this December at our new Mueller location. With the transition to our new facilities, there are many items from the former Austin Children’s Museum that are no longer needed, and we’d love to pass them on to our visitors! This Saturday, we will be hosting a garage sale in order to give the public a chance to purchase these items.

The Austin Children’s Museum garage sale will be on Saturday, Oct. 19 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at our former location, 201 Colorado Street. The items available at the garage sale include children’s and educational books, office supplies and furniture, housewares, exhibit pieces and equipment, shelving and more. Our former Austin Children’s Museum Store will also be open during the garage sale. The prices for store items have been reduced and non-negotiable. All Sales are final.
All proceeds from the garage sale will go toward the Thinkery’s exhibits and programs.
There’s been a lot of prep work for this Saturday’s event- BIG thanks to all our volunteers, Museum Career Ladder participants & staff who have spent hours organizing a mountain of inventory for the garage sale, and who will be there on Saturday as well! Their work is invaluable and deeply appreciated!

Please follow us @thinkeryatx or at facebook.com/thethinkery for reminders and updates about the garage sale. We hope you get a chance to come out to the garage sale this Saturday, Oct. 19 and purchase any items your home might be missing (and also give one last goodbye to our old museum!)!