Thinkery partners with local community organizations to celebrate all the unique characteristics that make Austin so diverse, and such a fantastic place to live, play and learn. This month we shine a light on the Native American community for our virtual Community Night Spotlight event. Scroll down to check out our line-up of partners!
Great Promise for American Indians

Mission statement
The mission of Great Promise for American Indians is to preserve the traditions, heritage, and culture of American Indians, and to support the health and education needs of their youth and families. We do this to honor the past and ensure the future.
Check out their events calendar and get involved: https://austinpowwow.net/
Museum of Native American History

Mission statement
The Museum of Native American History’s mission is to educate future generations about the lives of the First Americans. The museum provides a cultural hub to amplify the voices of their legacy.
Join them for their 5th Annual Native American Cultural Celebration: https://www.monah.us/nacc-2021
Chickasaw Nation

Mission statement
The mission of the Chickasaw Nation is to enhance the overall quality of life of the Chickasaw People.
The Chickasaw Nation is economically strong, culturally vibrant, and full of energetic people dedicated to the preservation of family, community, and heritage. The tribe continues to focus on building an economically diverse base to generate funds that support programs and services for Chickasaws and other First Americans. Businesses have flourished, programs and services have grown, and the quality of life for all Chickasaws has been greatly enhanced.
Learn more about the Chickasaw Nation: www.chickasaw.net